Update | the centre part...

Not really sure how to start this post but here goes...I'm rocking a centre parting!

Now this may not seem like a big deal to some, but I haven't worn my hair in a centre parting since I was about 12. This is because I have one of the worst hairlines known to man, a pretty severe widows peek partnered with an even more severe cowlick...what even is a cowlick?! So with this in mind I can never have a fringe and seemingly never have a centre parting as my hair just sits awfully...until now.

I had my hair chopped t'other day and the stylist cut and blow dried it into a centre parting, without asking me. She's a friend so it's fine and half of me was intrigued to see how she'd deal with my nightmare hairline. Pretty damn well if you ask me, the pic on the left is just after I had the chop and the one on the right is a couple of days later. With new centre part and pretty dirty hair, I thought I'd take advantage and try and simulate my fash idol Vanessa of The Haute Pursuit by sporting the chicest of dos, the low slick 'fashion' tail as I call it.

Oh yeah I also had my hair poker straight, again something I never usually have, but really works with this style.

Honestly, I don't know how long this way of styling my new bob will stick around. For me a centre part and dead straight hair is just not practical, I defo prefer a huge 90s swept over side part and lots of texture, but I'm happy to know I do have the sleek and chic option now, should I desire.

What do you think of the new sleek do?

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